Canan Nebigil

POSITION TITLE: CNRS Director of Research at the University of Strasbourg



1994: PhD, molecular biology, University of Tennesee, USA

2004: Habilitation (HDR), University of Strasbourg

Positions and Employment

1994 : PhD in pharmacology, University of Tennessee, USA.

1994-2004: Post-Doctoral trainings at Duke University (USA), NIH (USA) and IGBMC (France)

2004-2009 : CNRS Senior scientist and group leader at CNRS-University of Strasbourg

2009-current: CNRS Director of Research at CNRS-University of Strasbourg


Honors and awards

2005: prize of the Foundation for Medical Research (FRM) for cardiovascular diseases

2005: ATIP/AVENIR young scientist award

2008: European Society of Cardiology prize